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Our History is the Future by Nick Estes

Collected Works

Our History is the Future by Nick Estes

“To justify conquest, enslavement and genocide under European law, Indigenous peoples, and the darker nations, have been categorically excluded from the realm of humanity –a principle that has been little challenged”

The recent confrontation at Standing Rock –where peaceful Indigenous protesters were inhumanely treated by government entities on behalf of BIG OIL money– introduced Indigenous activism to a new generation. This resistance against DAPL serves as a jumping-off point for Nick Estes’ manifesto on Indigenous activism in the face of European (Western) capitalist imperialism.

Activism and social justice are inherent to Indigeneity, as Estes (co-founder of Red Nation, look it up if you don’t know about them) brilliantly shows in Our History is the Future. In the face of both past and modern colonialist-minded governments –that rewrite history as they so choose– Estes is here to expose the systemic inequalities rooted in the foundations of American society, and to show how Indigenous peoples throughout history have stood up for their rights in the face of such a system.

Estes has written a necessary, expositional history that is a call to action for those who want to actively participate in the sweeping call for growth and change. The journey might not always be pleasant, but the knowledge that the action taken is for the benefit of future generations must push us forward.

Read this book right now. Read it every year.

Review by Joel

$26.95 Hardcover

Our History is the Future is in stock at the bookstore, you can order it online or call us at (505) 988-4226.

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